4:00-7:00pm at the Greenway Fields Park “Piazetta”
Greenway Fields is sponsoring the Fall Picnic. Bring a lawn chair, your favorite beverage, and enjoy the fall weather and the company of your neighbors!
- 4:00 Party Starts- Bring your Neighbors!
- 5:00 BBQ is Served
- 5:00-7:00pm Music by Jeff Limer
Join your neighbors on Saturday October 7, 2023 from 4:00-7:00pm at the Greenway Fields Park “Piazetta!” Greenway Fields will provide Pulled Pork and Beef Brisket from Joe’s KC BBQ, buns, plates, plasticware and water. We will also be entertained by local guitarist/entertainer Jeff Limer.
Let’s add to the party with appetizers, side dishes and desserts.
If your last name begins with A-J Bring a dessert to share.
If your last name begins with K-Z Bring a side dish or an appetizer please
Fall Picnic Saturday October 7, 2023 was last modified: September 26th, 2023 by