GFHA Annual meeting is Saturday; February 8, 2020. All current residents are welcome attend. Charlie Hooper’s at 12 West 63rd St.Hot Breakfast provided 8:30 a.m.Annual Meeting 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. If you would like to serve on the volunteer neighborhood Board or have questions, please reach out via email ( and you can be listed…
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The GFNCID board of directors will hold the annual CID board meeting this coming Saturday 3/24/18 at 9:15 AM. Notice has been posted at our official legal address (Hush Blackwell office on plaza) for public notice under Missouri Sunshine Law, which requires minimum of 24 hours advance posting. The GFNCID board voted last year to…
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The Annual Greenway Fields Homes Association Residents Meeting will be on February 10th at Charlie Hooper’s Brookside Bar and Grill located at 12 W 63rd St. Breakfast will be at 8:30AM and the meeting will be held from 9:00-10:00AM. We will be electing our new board members and reporting on prior years business. Please respond…
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Greenway Fields was awarded the Gold Designation from the KC Green Neighborhood Program. Benjamin Williams accepted the award at the KC Green Fair on behalf of the Greenway Fields Neighborhood. Keep an eye out in the coming months for our KC Green street toppers that will designate Greenway Fields as a KC Green Neighborhood. Elizabeth…
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Greenway Fields Homes Association conducted the annual Holiday Lighting Contest. Here are the winners for the following categories: Architectural- 6246 Valley RdElegant- 6422 Washington StMost Elaborate- 400 W 63rd StMost Colorful- 409 W 62nd StBest Block- Pennsylvania AveMost Original- 621 W 63rd StWhimsical- 427 W 62nd StMost Festive- 6411 Summit St Signs are posted in the yards…
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Thank you to all who attended the Greenway Fields Annual Holiday Party. It was a fantastic evening and a great way to start off the holiday season. Special thanks to the hosts, Mike Minor and Scott Tansey, for opening up their home.
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Thank you to those who attended the Centennial Celebration. We are very pleased with the turnout for the Centennial Celebration and hope that all neighbors who attended had a wonderful time celebrating as a community. We had over 150 neighbors gather together. Big thank you to the Centennial Committee for their planning efforts! Here are some…
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CHANGE OF DATE AND TIME: Due to the predicted Saturday storms, it is necessary to postpone our Centennial Celebration by one day. Join us on Sunday, October 22nd from 3PM-7PM (shortened hours). New timeline of events: In addition, we are still hoping the police and fire departments will still make an appearance. To receive your food truck vouchers, please check in at…
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Congratulations Greenway Fields Residents! Message from the Kansas City Office of Environmental Quality: “Congratulations to the Greenway Fields Neighborhood on earning a KC Green Neighborhood designation….at the Gold level! Your neighborhood is making great strides in creating a greener Kansas City! We would like to recognize your neighborhood for its hard work at the KC…
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POPSICLE PARADE RAIN DELAY: Due to the weather, the Popsicle Parade will now begin at noon. The fire truck is still on call, and live music will be performing. Hope everyone can still make it!
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